
These are synonomous to warts, except that they tend not to protrude beyond the level of the surrounding soft tissue.

Ingrowing toe nails
Ingrowing toe nails

This condition can generally fall into two categories; an involuted nail and an acute in growing toe nail.

Flat feet
Flat feet

A quick inspection of this foot will reveal a foot that has a low arch (or no arch) and a heel that turns outwards.

Corns and Callouss
Corns and Callouss

A corn or callous will arise on an area of skin that is subjected to excessive pressure.

Chiropody & Podiatry services in Herne Bay, Kent

Welcome to A & E Mulvaney Chiropody and Podiatry Surgery

We have two surgeries. Both surgeries are ground floor premises:

Herne Bay

Alistair and Elizabeth Mulvaney HPC Registered / State Registered
Chiropody and Podiatry Surgery
105 Station Rd
Herne Bay

01227 360940

Open: 08:30 19:00, Mon to Fri
Call divert allows patients to call any time.

Parking availability is usually excellent outside the immediate confines of the premises.

After gaining valuable experience in the NHS , Alistair and Elizabeth Mulvaney opened their surgery in Herne Bay in 1986. In addition to offering routine treatments, more specialized treatments eg nail surgery, cryosurgery, biomechanical assessments, prescribed orthotics and insoles, diabetic ulcer treatments are also available. We are also very fortunate to have a highly experienced Podaiatric foot surgeon in our team (Mrs Carol Selth) to offer advice to those who may wish to seek foot surgery (bunions, hammer toes etc).

Outside the surgery we provide on going service to a considerable number of care and nursing homes and provide a domicillary service to the house bound.

For further information on our Chiropody and Podiatry services please call 01227 360940 / 01795 430020 / 07985014566 or send us an email